Come and see for FREE!

Come see for yourself how ACE Test Prep has helped thousands of students get amazing LSAT scores. All our classes are taught LIVE by LSAT guru Brent Dunn. You can attend in-person or via Zoom. New class cycles begin about every 8 weeks, but since we also record the classes and allow you to keep attending multiple cycles free, you can jump in at any point. Join anytime and receive access to our online course before our live course starts.

Live LSAT Course Location





UCAS Building at 2121 N 550 W in Provo

(enter through double doors on the west/left wing of the building)



  • Live instruction every Monday and Wednesday 6-9 PM (3 hours)
  • Free ZOOM question and answer session Tuesday from 6-7 PM
  • Click on the link below to see the course calendar!




What People Are Saying

“Thanks to ACE and Brent, I scored a 176 and I have a $180,000 scholarship!”

“I started in the 42nd percentile and ended in the 95th percentile!”

“There is no one who knows the LSAT like Brent, and the methods gave me the skills to increase my score by 23 points. Thank you!”