About Us
Why choose ACE for Test Preparation?ACE test preparation is the foremost authority on LSAT preparation. We do not teach gimmicks or test-taking tricks. We focus on the knowledge and strategies that will prepare students for success on the tests they take and in their future studies. Started in 1998 by Brent Dunn, ACE has helped hundreds of students who started in fiftieth and sixtieth percentiles into the eightieth and ninetieth percentiles on their respective tests. All of our instructors have scored in the 99th percentile or higher on the tests they teach and have been trained extensively in order to pass their skills along.

Our Mission
Ace specializes in teaching students the knowledge and strategies that propel them to success on their tests. This success not only opens the doors to higher education but often gets them scholarships waiting for them on the other side. We are priced hundreds less than national test preparation services because we focus on what we are good at and nothing else. We have the keys to success, and we want to help you unlock the doors to your future.